Monday, December 10, 2007

Going to Church can make you kill people

Ii must confess to breathing a sigh of relief when I found out that the maniac who shot up Pastor Ted "I'm completely straight" Haggard's former flock was not a secular Jew atheist biologist. Instead as one may have been prone to guess, he was the product of a strict, religious upbringing and home schooling. No quicker way to drive someone crazy with hate for their religion than force it on them as children. This is admittedly a rather dark example of schadenfreude, but I don't care. Sorry flymorgue.

"A neighbor, Cody Askeland, 19, said the brothers were home-schooled, describing the whole family as "very, very religious."

See how necessary religion is for morality!

Matthew Murray lived there along with a brother, Christopher, 21, a student at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Okla.

Oral Roberts University! Another fine example of the high ethical and educational standards of Christian education. I suggest a Google news search. It will keep you busy for a month reading tales of stupidity, graft, and sleaze. All under the auspices of Jesus Christ Savior of Mankind. (JCSM)

"I was just expecting for the next gunshot to be coming through my car. Miraculously — by the grace of God — it did not," she told ABC's "Good Morning America."

Solipsism is never very becoming. Unfortunately for two sisters the next bullets went through their bodies, ending their lives. But I am sure God withheld his grace to fulfill his mysterious, inscrutable plan, which we filthy mortals can't hope to understand. If I were the mother of one of these victims I might be inclined to administer a good kicking to this twit.

About 7,000 people were in and around the church the time of the shooting.

7,000! What a waste of man-hours.

New Life, with a largely upper middle-class membership, was founded by the Rev. Ted Haggard, who was dismissed last year after a former male prostitute alleged he had a three-year cash-for-sex relationship with him. Haggard admitted committing unspecified "sexual immorality.


This story is a sad example of the stifling morass of stupidity surrounding religion. From the home schooled and brainwashed gunman to the almost victim spouting selfish grotesque drivel about how she escaped by the "grace of god" while two people lay dead, to the pathetic life story of the victim Phillip Crouse, a former skinhead who probably felt saved from plotting his own spree against the cursed people of Ham by this ridiculous melange of consumerism, spirituality, self-help, and mawkish bourgeois sentiment.

What would have been prevented this was not more faith in public life but a bit of education. Instead of locking their children up to be homeschooled, isolated, inundated with superstitious, mind shrinking nonsense, and forced to endure personality engineering with all the compassion of Paris Island, it might have helped to try and teach them not to fear and loathe the entire modern world so they would have been able to see a place worth going to when the comfort of fantasy land they were living in disappeared.


Baconeater said...

I posted a comment on Pharyngula, in case you missed it, the paranoid Jew haters at Liberty Forum are speculating Murray is a Jew.

OT, you should join the Atheist Blog roll, just email Mojoey at Deep Thoughts and I'm sure he will add you. It means more exposure for you.

flymorgue2 said...

Yeah, more exposure so that you can ignore my comments and stay on message.

No quicker way to drive someone crazy with hate for their religion than force it on them as children

May I suggest psychoanalysis. If it begins with 'Tell me about your childhood..' your money is well spent.

7000. What a waste of man hours

Ah the fascist always bobs just below the surface.

flymorgue2 said...

What would have been prevented this was not more faith in public life but a bit of education.

What did prevent this former member of the Atheist Blog roll to kill more of these sheep is the concealed carry law (creating the opening for you). I await the next rambling post decrying the effect of this law on the Atheist population.

Baconeater said...

Flymorgue, there is no evidence that this person was an atheist, or a member of the atheist blog roll. Lots of ex Christians still believe in God.

flymorgue2 said...

Nor, formally, is there any evidence that concealed carry was God's design to get more readers for Bill. But you have to have faith. Bill's own dense prose inadvertently applies: "But I am sure God withheld his grace to fulfill his mysterious, inscrutable plan, which we filthy mortals can't hope to understand." God loves those who do not bathe. Beaj(ch), I hope that your dog has a better sense of humor.

Baconeater said...

God loves those who don't bathe?
Which Commandment is that?

flymorgue2 said...

Check the sermon on the mount, filthy mortal.

Baconeater said...

But Jesus was a myth. His inventors made up what he supposedly said.
But that reminds me, I need to take a shower.