Friday, December 14, 2007

Andrew Stuttaford fires back on my behalf

At Freddoso:

Freedom, Faith, and Postwar Europe [Andrew Stuttaford]

David, you write that "one grave consequence of post-war Europe's loss of faith is its approaching demographic extinction." Putting aside the question as to whether Europe is heading for "demographic extinction" (I don't believe that it is) I think it's important to point out that birth rates are now falling just about everywhere across the globe. There is little or no evidence to suggest that this can be linked to any loss of faith in Europe, or for that matter, elsewhere. Rather it is a by-product of modernity, and it's one that's very welcome too.


flymorgue2 said...

is little or no evidence to suggest that this can be linked to any loss of faith in Europe, or for that matter, elsewhere

he best way to parry a correlation is with a flat assertion (and this gem: "...I don't believe it is..." A well researched rejoinder to the facts of falling birth/death ratio).

Rather it is a by-product of modernity, and it's one that's very welcome too

So extinction is welcome? Who is going to turn out the lights in Italy?

Mojoey said...

I, Mojoey, tag you with the \"Seven Random and Weird Things Meme\".